With the average adult breathing 3,000 gallons of potentially polluted air per day and Americans producing about 250 million tons of garbage in 2012 it comes as no surprise that our society is placing a large focus on recycling and environmental sustainability practices. A significant number of American’s are spending the bulk of their time in an office versus their own homes, which puts an emphasis on businesses and their own environmental practices. “Going green” is often seen as an expense that has minimal benefits, however, we have 10 ways to make your office more sustainable with little or no cost to you.

10 Ways To Make Your Office More Sustainable
1. Install recycling bins throughout the office.

2. Make sure your lighting is energy efficient.

3. Buy biodegradable products whenever possible.

4. Eliminate all plastic ware from the office break room.

5. Bring in actual plants and truly “Go Green.”

6. Green partnerships with companies you work with.

7. Reduce paper use.

8. Turn off all lights, computers, etc. when leaving the office or when not in use.

9. Regulate your office temperature more efficiently.

10. Recognize employees that have good sustainability performance and reward them.
Our Own Practices
Headquartered in Tampa FL, Excellence Industries is a national leader in commercial refrigeration for the food and foodservice industries. For us, sustainability doesn’t end in the office and is more than a marketing term or part of some distant vision statement. Our complete decommissioning program is a 3-step practice that Excellence has perfected. EECO, or the Environmental Excellence Company,  handles the logistics, breakdown, and disposal of retired units and EPA paperwork.
Due to the strict and complicated EPA regulations regarding refrigeration all EECO technicians are EPA certified and our program exceeds EPA standards. Excellence has unique experience and expertise to ensure that your equipment is disposed of safely, legally, and efficiently. Since April 2009, EECO has scrapped in excess of 48 thousand freezers and coolers.

For more information on Excellence Industries and our recycling practices visit https://excellenceindustries.com/services/recycling/ or follow us on Twitter at @Excellence_Ind.